Dream Player

In a world governed by mysterious ‘Architects’, where social media is compulsory, abstention is punishable by death, and in-person contact prohibited, Rose feels utterly alone. She has a strange, deep urge, that she barely understands, to connect with the woman living across the hall. What – and more importantly who – else lies beyond her four walls and her computer screen? Will she break the rules and risk her life to experience the human contact she so desperately craves?

Imagined in a dystopian world of the future, this short story is set at the crossroads of real life and virtual reality. How did humanity get here?

In her debut publication, Clare Angel depicts a bizarre and unsettling love triangle featuring Rose, who has known no life beyond the Mainstream and her accommodation cell for many years, Gideon a young rebel adventurer who has been “clean” from screens for over a year and Tristan, Rose’s impossibly perfect avatar.

If you love sci-fi, analogy and one almighty a twist in the tale, you’ll love this book.

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Imagined in a dystopian world of the future, this short story is set at the crossroads of real life and virtual reality. How did humanity get here?

In her debut publication, Clare Angel depicts a bizarre and unsettling love triangle featuring Rose, who has known no life beyond the Mainstream and her accommodation cell for many years, Gideon a young rebel adventurer who has been “clean” from screens for over a year and Tristan, Rose’s impossibly perfect avatar.

If you love sci-fi, analogy and one almighty a twist in the tale, you’ll love this book.